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Journal entry quotes

Journal 1

"I’ve always loved filming. My family has a videotape of everyone’s birthday since my birth. But it’s not until 2008 that I really got into the intricate stuff. I when to a Apple summer camp at L’Opera in Paris where the Paris Apple Store is. I did a movie about going to a horseback riding lesson. Since my siblings had done the camp with me, we all knew how to operate the software. After that we filmed and edited movies together. We naturally did the things we were best at. My brother did the editing-I did the filming, soundtrack and set design-my sister was the main actor."

Journal 2

"I’m at the point where I don’t know what else to tell you. I have updated you on all my troubles and issues, my feeble successes and my major goals. Now that I have my outline, I just need a script, and a lot of time to memorize my lines. I remember that the reason I wanted to be a director instead of an actress was so I don’t have to memorize lines, now look at me, I’ll be memorizing my own lines soon enough.  I’m a little worried though because I’ll have to be directing myself and I don’t know what I’ll do without a second person giving their opinion."

Journal 3

"I think this project has really been hard on the interest side. As much as I love to film, I tried a new style that I don’t like at all. So I’ve had trouble getting everything done. I tried very hard to show passion but I prefer filming on one side and politics on the other. It makes it more exciting. I still see the whole venture as very important nevertheless because I will have helped at least a few people choose their candidate wisely. "

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